American Guard Services, Inc. is experienced and well versed in the procedures associated with crossing guard services. We have a high standard for what our School Safety program should project both to the client and to the public.
AGS, Inc. Maintains Your Contracted Crossing Guards to A Great Standard Training Program that Highlights Some of the Following Items:
- Local Traffic Regulations
- School Zone Signage & Pavement Markings
- Traffic Control Devices
- Traffic Hazard Identification
- Emergency Procedures
- Bad Weather Provisions
- Heavy Traffic Procedures
- Signalized & Un-signalized Intersections
- Appropriate Alerting Traffic
AGS, Inc. Currently Has Approximately 1,100 Crossing Guards on Staff
We have a dedicated Crossing Guard Lead Coordinator who’s only function is to assure our crossing guard services are being delivered properly and courteously. We recognize that it is vital that we have 100% staffing at all times, for the Safety of the children using the crossings. American Guard Services, Inc. will be prepared to provide capable and reliable personnel to fill the crossing guard requirements.