American Guard Services, Inc. provides loss prevention, plain clothes and/or undercover security officers. There are many benefits of hiring loss prevention officers to help increase the safety of your company. Your bottom line ROI will increase when you’re able to cut out criminal or illegal activity, particularly in the retail, manufacturing, and transportation industries.
This includes any threats from outside the company or business that could include shoplifting, organized threat or crime. Our agents are trained to observe, identify, and prevent thefts from occurring at your business, and this is done by examination of patrons both in person and through the use of CCTV, or video surveillance systems. All activities are monitored to prevent thefts from happening.
Internal threats refer to thefts done by employees. We control large numbers of internal security threats every year. Guards posted at retail stores are trained to observe employees, look for suspicious activities, and monitor employee behavior when working with a cash register or POS system.
Loss prevention is a measurable service. Potential thefts and property recovered are documented so you can see your “money at work.” We give quantitative analysis to our clients through monthly or quarterly reports so the client can easily monitor the cost-effectiveness of our loss prevention program.
Loss prevention agents may be used to blend in with other shoppers or customers to help better identify shoplifters, problems with employees, or other security breaches.
Plain clothes agents may be used to break up employees theft rings in warehouse and retail outlets. The agent can go undercover and identify, report, and stop the security problem.
Loss prevention agents may be used to provide an extremely professional look to blend in with a corporate office structure. The officer could wear a suit, and therefore not draw attention to him/her so that security precautions can be taken and be more effective. Loss prevention at office buildings may also be combined with executive protection.